The World Above (Reprise) - Norm Lewis as King Triton

The World Above (Reprise)

Norm Lewis as King Triton



Song Introduction

"The World Above (Reprise)" is a poignant performance by Norm Lewis, portraying King Triton in Disney's acclaimed musical adaptation of "The Little Mermaid." This reprise delves deeper into Triton's internal struggle and his longing for stability in his underwater kingdom as changes unfold. Lewis's powerful vocals and emotive delivery add significant depth to the character, making this piece a standout moment in the production. The song underscores the themes of love, loss, and transformation, resonating strongly with audiences and enhancing the overall narrative of the musical.

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This is where you belong!

You don't understand!

For once, just listen, will you?

The savage brute would kill you in the world above

He's not a barbarian—

Don't try the same old song!

I'll have you grounded til' next year!

Am I clear?

Don't go near that world above!

I'm not a child anymore!

No? Have you lost your senses?

He's a human, you're a mermaid!

It doesn't matter!

I'm still the king here—my word is law

This fifth that you bring here is the final straw

And push, my daughter, has come to shove!

I'll make you obey

Til you do as I say

I don't care, come what may

But I'll keep you away

From that cruel, harsh, cold, vile world above!

- It's already the end -