"Prologue / Chim Chim Cher-ee" is the enchanting opening number from the London Cast Recording of the beloved musical **《Mary Poppins》**. 由加文·李(Gavin Lee)饰演的伯特(Bert)带来精彩的演绎,为故事设定了魔幻的基调,介绍了主要角色和主题。歌曲中的“Chim Chim Cher-ee”以其欢快的旋律和经典的歌词成为永恒的热门曲目。加文·李为这一经典作品注入了新的活力,展现了他出色的歌唱才华和迷人的表演魅力,使伯特这一可爱的烟囱工形象更加生动。
Wind's in the east, there's a mist comin' in
Like somethin' is brewin' and 'bout to begin
Can't put me finger on what lies in store
But I feel what's to 'appen all 'appened before
A father, a mother, a daughter, a son
The threads of their lives are all wrapped in and done
Somethin' is needed to twist 'em as tight
As a string you might use when you're flying a kite
Chim chiminy chim chim cheree chim cheroo