Breathe - Corey Cott


Corey Cott



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Um, you've got a mistake in the voicing


Bar 74, the chords coming off the bridge

I should be on the fifth, move everyone else up

No, it's fine

Trombone on the third in that

Register is like breaking rule number one—

Then I'm breaking the rule, Wayne!

Relax, the sky won't fall

Come on guys, do those bars

Everyone: 2, 3, 4!


So just

Breathe through the instrument

Breathe through the end of the phrase

And as everyone plays

It gets easier


It's good but watch out on "proud and tall"

You're making it minor, it should be major

You're doing "proud and tall"

And it should be "proud and tall"

Proud and tall?


Proud and tall

With me

Proud and tall

That's it!

Now, when you guys play those stabs at the end

Can we jump on that syncopation more and make the fall off bigger?

They should have choreography there

Haha — Hornography

I hear Nick gives lessons


Piss off

It's a good thing you're one of the best

Because putting up with you is an endurance test!

But I know all this is worth all the sweat

Because when we're named the winners

We will finally get to have

Order out of chaos

And money to burn

No more need for teaching

The promised return

To life the way it was

And we can have this all because

I look to my left and look to my right

And see other guys who fight the same fight

And during those few short hours a day

The noise in my head goes away

And I

Breathe through the instrument

Breathe through the end of the phrase

And as everyone plays

It gets easier

- It's already the end -